Orginal array
Array ( [0] => Whip-poor-will [1] => Chickadee [2] => Pileated Woodpecker [3] => Blue Jay [4] => Rufus-sided Towhee [5] => Scarlet Tanager )A: Sort the array using sort():
Array ( [0] => Blue Jay [1] => Chickadee [2] => Pileated Woodpecker [3] => Rufus-sided Towhee [4] => Scarlet Tanager [5] => Whip-poor-will )B: Reverse the array using array_reverse():
Array ( [0] => Scarlet Tanager [1] => Rufus-sided Towhee [2] => Blue Jay [3] => Pileated Woodpecker [4] => Chickadee [5] => Whip-poor-will )C: Remove the first element of the reversed array (Scarlet Tanager) and display it's contents
Array ( [1] => Rufus-sided Towhee [2] => Blue Jay [3] => Pileated Woodpecker [4] => Chickadee [5] => Whip-poor-will )D: Add two items to the end of the array:
Array ( [1] => Rufus-sided Towhee [2] => Blue Jay [3] => Pileated Woodpecker [4] => Chickadee [5] => Whip-poor-will [6] => Robin [7] => Sandpiper )E: Replace chickadee with coot:
Array ( [1] => Rufus-sided Towhee [2] => Blue Jay [3] => Pileated Woodpecker [4] => Coot [5] => Whip-poor-will [6] => Robin [7] => Sandpiper )F: Add Finch to the beginning
Array ( [0] => Finch [1] => Rufus-sided Towhee [2] => Blue Jay [3] => Pileated Woodpecker [4] => Coot [5] => Whip-poor-will [6] => Robin [7] => Sandpiper )G: Create another array
Array ( [0] => Tweety [1] => Big Bird [2] => Chicken Little )H: Merge the two arrays and sort alphabetically
Array ( [0] => Big Bird [1] => Blue Jay [2] => Chicken Little [3] => Coot [4] => Finch [5] => Pileated Woodpecker [6] => Robin [7] => Rufus-sided Towhee [8] => Sandpiper [9] => Tweety [10] => Whip-poor-will )